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Training on The Characterization of the Soil Organic Particle (SOM)

Training on The Characterization of the Soil Organic Particle (SOM)


Download Report of SOM training


Date : 08-11 April 2014
Avenue : Land Development Department
Localization: Laboratory LMI- Biotechnology Land Development Department
Funded by: LMI LUSES, Biotechnology Land Development Department
Context of this training

Soil organic matter nature and the soil spatial heterogeneity due to intimate interactions between the soil physical matrix, soil organic matter, and soil biota need to be characterize to understand soil organic matter dynamics or microbial habitats

Short description of the training

The training will last 3 days, the first day will be devoted to the theoretical aspect of techniques for assessing the soil organic matter stock, the two others days will be devoted to measurements and analyses of the data produced.