Training on The Characterization of the Soil Organic Particle (SOM)
Training on The Characterization of the Soil Organic Particle (SOM)
Download Report of SOM training
Date : 08-11 April 2014
Avenue : Land Development Department
Localization: Laboratory LMI- Biotechnology Land Development Department
Funded by: LMI LUSES, Biotechnology Land Development Department
Context of this training
Soil organic matter nature and the soil spatial heterogeneity due to intimate interactions between the soil physical matrix, soil organic matter, and soil biota need to be characterize to understand soil organic matter dynamics or microbial habitats
Short description of the training
The training will last 3 days, the first day will be devoted to the theoretical aspect of techniques for assessing the soil organic matter stock, the two others days will be devoted to measurements and analyses of the data produced.
Presentation of the ECOFILTER Team at the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (GSOP18), FAO, Rome, 2-4 May 2018
Poster of the BIODIV TREE team presented at the SOM management conference held in Braunsweig on the 30 and 31 of May
Poster of the BIODIV TREE team presented at the SOM management conference held in Braunsweig on the 30 and 31 of May
Synopsis of LUSES 2017-2019
- LDD-IRD a long history of scientific cooperation
- Impact of Rubber Tree Plantation on Soil Biological Diversity
- LDD-LMI LUSES Platform of Microbiology
- LMI LUSES presentation
- Laboratory guide: hygiene and safety in English
- Laboratory guide: hygiene and safety in Thai
PhDs students' scientific posters
The dynamics of litter degradation and Soil-bio functioning in Rubber plantation : Pusanisa Heepngoen
Long term impact of Rubber Plantation on Soil biodiversity and Activity: Phantip Panklang
Impact of Rubber Plantation age and Land use change on the soil microbial community : Monrawee
Integration of the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality in an environmental assessment : Alexis
Starch Synthesis and Mobilization in wood and bark of rubber tree, in relation with Latex production : Tuksin