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Microresp Training

Microresp Training on <<Characterization of the physiological profiles of the soil microbial community>>

Microresp Training on <<Characterization of the physiological profiles of the soil microbial community>>

The training will last 3 days, on 23rd - 25th February 2016 at Division of Soil Biotechnology, Land Development Department (LDD), the first day will be devoted

to the theoretical aspect of techniques for assessing the soil activities, the two others days will be devoted to measurements and analyses of the data produced.


- Pascal Alonso: Expert biological scientist, TICA temporal expert, UMR
ECO&SOLS, France
- Monrawee Peerawat: LDD soil scientist, Biotechnology Dept.
- Dararat Hotaka: LDD soil scientist, Biotechnology Dept.

Document download

- Description of Microresp Training

Description of Microresp Training  (496.33 ko)

- Agenda

Agenda of Microresp  (255.32 ko) Report of Microresp  (768.96 ko)

- Report