LMI Annual meeting 2016
The final meeting of the LMI LUSES was organized in Kasetsart University from June 8th - 9 th, 2016. This meeting gathered more than 70 scientists from Thailand, France, Laos and Vietnam.
The objective of this meeting was (i) to make a final statement of all the scientific projects and capacity building initiatives
Final LMI LUSES meeting sumary (958.44 ko)Such as the LUSES-LDD international platform of biology and the SEALNET network (South East Asia Laboratory Network) (ii) to establish the main guidelines of the future project LUSES 2.
The meeting last two days.
Program LMI 2016 (632.74 ko), the first one was dedicated to the final report of LMI LUSES phase 1 (2012-2016) and the second day was introduced by a keynote lecture of Georg Cadish from University of Hohenheim and followed by parallel session dedicated to the future scientific organization of the second phase of the project (LUSES 2 : 2016-2020). Beside oral presentations, 13 posters were presented by the students of the LMI LUSES,
Abstract LMI 2016 (897.72 ko)During the meeting, all the Asian scientists underlines that the LMI LUSES project was found fruitful with an overall very positive appreciation of all the partners’ institutions
List of participants :
List of participants LMI 2016 (384.06 ko) LMI final report (2.47 Mo)Final Report 2012-2016:
Contact : Dr. Alain Brauman: brauman.ird@gmail.com
Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang : nopmanee_su@hotmail.com
Presentation of the ECOFILTER Team at the Global Symposium on Soil Pollution (GSOP18), FAO, Rome, 2-4 May 2018
Poster of the BIODIV TREE team presented at the SOM management conference held in Braunsweig on the 30 and 31 of May
Poster of the BIODIV TREE team presented at the SOM management conference held in Braunsweig on the 30 and 31 of May
Synopsis of LUSES 2017-2019
- LDD-IRD a long history of scientific cooperation
- Impact of Rubber Tree Plantation on Soil Biological Diversity
- LDD-LMI LUSES Platform of Microbiology
- LMI LUSES presentation
- Laboratory guide: hygiene and safety in English
- Laboratory guide: hygiene and safety in Thai
PhDs students' scientific posters
The dynamics of litter degradation and Soil-bio functioning in Rubber plantation : Pusanisa Heepngoen
Long term impact of Rubber Plantation on Soil biodiversity and Activity: Phantip Panklang
Impact of Rubber Plantation age and Land use change on the soil microbial community : Monrawee
Integration of the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality in an environmental assessment : Alexis
Starch Synthesis and Mobilization in wood and bark of rubber tree, in relation with Latex production : Tuksin