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LMI Coordinators visited LMI partners in Hanoi

  • 19.03.2013

© LMI LUSES Meeting with SFRI

The coordinators of LMI LUSES, Dr. Alain Brauman and Mrs. Nopmanee Suvannang, had opportunity to visit the different Vietnam partners Soil and Fertilizer Research institution (SFRI) and Institute of Chemistry (ICH) in Hanoi from the 18th - 19th of March 2013.

The idea is to visit the others institutional partners (French Embassy, CNRS, CIRAD) and to discuss how to improve and coordinate better the research activities in the regional level.

This year, the annual meeting of LMI LUSES will be organized in Vietnam under the main organization of our honorable partner ICH. The appropriated date will be published in LMI LUSES website soon.