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61 Resultats
Mentions légales
Pertinence: 100 %
Déclaration CNILLes sites internet de l'Institut de recherche pour le développement, qui comportent des informations nominatives concernant notamment les personnels de l'IRD et de ses partenaires, ont fait l'objet d'une déclaration auprès de la CNIL (avis n° 533 924).Droit d'accès, de ...
ECOFILTER - effect of land use on stream-ground water interactions, overland flow genesis and the related ecosystem services of the critical zone
Pertinence: 100 %
ECOFILTER - effect of land use on stream-ground water interactions, overland flow genesis and the related ecosystem services of the critical zone A first specific action will be to continue and expand the ECOFILTER pilot project, which aims to assess, in the mountainous uplands of mainland ...
Pertinence: 100 %
LUSES International Joint Laboratory (LMI) © LMI LUSES LMI LUSES Logo The LUSES International Joint Laboratory (LMI in French for "Laboratoire Mixte In ternational") is an international Joint Research and Training initiative promoted by IRD, involving research and higher ...
The LUSES consortium
Pertinence: 100 %
Project consortium: The International project in partnership LMI 'LUSES associate partners in France and Southeast Asia from various universities and technical institutes. The LMI is an operational structure for research and training, allowing the realization of joint training and research around a ...
LUSES overview
Pertinence: 100 %
Executive summaryLUSES is an International Joint Laboratory (IJL) consisting of a consortium of Southeast Asian and French member institutions sharing a common research interest, namely: understanding co-evolving social and agricultural systems. Based on biophysical and socio-economical approaches, ...
BIODIV-TREE: Impact of tree plantations on soil biodiversity and soil biological functioning
Pertinence: 100 %
BIODIV-TREE: Impact of tree plantations on soil biodiversity and soil biological functioning BIODIV-TREE aims to characterize the impact of rubber tree plantation on soil functional biodiversity and related soil ecosystems services such as nutrient cycling and C sequestration. Throughout the first ...
The International Joint Laboratory « LUSES » is launched
Pertinence: 100 %
18.10.2012 © IRD/A. Piroux LMI Kick-Off Meeting More than 60 people have participated to the kick off meeting of the International Joint Laboratory (« LMI » in French) « LUSES » about the environmental impact of agriculture link to land use changes. Entitled LUSES for « Dynamic of Land Use ...
Announcement of internal call proposals 2013
Pertinence: 100 %
09.03.2013 We received 18 projects for the LMI internal call for a total budget of 61.680 €. This is good news showing the increasing interest of our partners for the LMI LUSES. However, because the budget allocated for this internal call proposal will be 33.000 €, we need to do clear choices ...
LMI Coordinators visited LMI partners in Hanoi
Pertinence: 100 %
19.03.2013 © LMI LUSES Meeting with SFRI The coordinators of LMI LUSES, Dr. Alain Brauman and Mrs. Nopmanee Suvannang, had opportunity to visit the different Vietnam partners Soil and Fertilizer Research institution (SFRI) and Institute of Chemistry (ICH) in Hanoi from the 18th - 19th of March ...
Workshop on how to write scientific articles in English for international journals in the domain of enviromental science
Pertinence: 100 %
The objective of this workshop is to provide capacity building in environmental and agricultural sciences with specific focus on how to write scientific articles in English for submission to international journals. Furthermore, by bringing together the researchers from Thailand, Laos, Vietnam and ...
Introduction to the characterization of soil nematodes, an important soil bio indicator
Pertinence: 100 %
Date :8th - 12th July, 2013 Location: Khon Kaen University, Thailand Agenda of training on "Nematodes" (click here to download)Background Soil organisms develop close relationships with their environment and can thus provide information about the general soil functioning because of their ...
Biofertiliser Training Course
Pertinence: 100 %
2014 Biofertiliser Training Course Sponsored by the Crawford Fund with support from LMI LUSES and Deakin University Date: 21-25 April 2014, Land Development Department, Bangkok, Thailand Download tentative agenda Announcement of Biofertiliser Training Course The course will give ...